Have you ever noticed that, after a certain point, some things just seem inevitable?
If something is repeated enough, highlighted enough, even championed by enough people, it just seems to take on a momentum of its own – and then appears to be…inevitable. But is this really the case, or are we just assuming that it is?
“Iron Mike” Tyson, a U.S. heavyweight boxer, made his professional boxing debut on March 6, 1985, and fought his way to becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world just over two years later. He was given the nickname, “The Baddest Man on the Planet” because of his skill and overwhelming punching power. It was thought that he could not lose, that victories were…inevitable. That is, until he was defeated by knockout by Buster Douglas on February 11, 1990.
Nothing – humanly speaking – is inevitable; momentum only lasts so long.
In our turbulent world today, it is easy for us to look at events… and to begin to assume that their present momentum makes them “inevitable.” Some may even make this assumption about certain political or social agendas here in the U.S. The power of assumed “momentum” is such that if enough people become convinced that something is about to happen,” they will simply give in and plan to deal with the aftermath – instead of raising their own voices in opposition.
If someone wants to change someone else’s mind about something, there are two ways to do it: they can try to convince them, or they can try to compel them. The first way involves making a case for the change that helps them to conclude that the change is good and necessary. The second involves either trying to force the issue, or at least, making them believe that they should just “go along to get along,” since there’s nothing they can to do stop it.
The Bible describes a God who says, “Come now, and let us reason together,” (Isaiah 1:18) as He invites us to freely choose a life with Him. He gives us ample evidence to make an intelligent choice; He woos us with His love, while still respecting our right to choose Him…or not. He is entirely confident, both in the truth of His “argument” and in our ability to choose wisely.
Far too often, we hear voices in our world that say, “Come now, stop being so oppressive or backward or hateful” – as they demand that others give in to what they insist is “inevitable.” We see many examples of what is (supposedly) a foregone conclusion – but not evidence of its truth. Many are ridiculed and disrespected, not because they disagree…but because they did not make the “intelligent” choice. It seems that some are quite confident – not in the truth of their argument, but in their ability to force it upon others.
So where do you find yourself in this discussion? Would you rather be convinced…or compelled? Now is a good time to reflect upon your answer.