Have you ever heard God speaking to you?
To be sure, most of us have never heard an audible voice directing us to do a certain thing or confirming a thought or course of action; rather, for those who walk with God, His leading may come as a strong impression or conviction that one should do – or not do – something. I can tell you from personal experience (one that I’m sure you’ve also had) that to simply ignore this impression – or to downplay it all together – can often lead to a feeling of anxiety. We say things back to God like, “I know that You want me to do _____, but ____ (fill in your own excuse).” It is also true that, when we follow God’s leading – no matter what happens – two things always happen: 1) everything works out in the end, and, 2) we have a sense of peace about the situation.
I remember once, when we were pastoring up in New England, I was contacted twice in the same week from friends who had this type of experience. Both people contacted me (one by e-mail, the other by phone) about a certain situation at church; both said that they felt impressed that God wanted them to share their thoughts with me. I am thankful to them – and to our God – that He moved these dear folk to share “a word in due season”, as both were quite a blessing and encouragement to me personally.
May we all walk closely with God and listen for His voice…you never know what He has “up His sleeve.” Whether it’s sending a quick e-mail, providing a warm place for someone to stay for the night, giving someone a word of encouragement, or opening the Bible at lunchtime with a co-worker, God wants to work through us to be His hands and ears and mouths…
…and what a blessing you can be when you let Him direct your path!
[reminder]Have you had a similar experience? [/reminder]